What To Put On A Dog Tag UK 2025: Dog Tag Legal Requirements

In UK law, there are a few different legal responsibilities that you as a dog owner have to fulfil. One of these responsibilities is ensuring your dog wears a dog tag. But what exactly should you put on a dog tag? There are two specific UK legal requirements. Firstly, a dog tag must state the dog owner’s name; secondly, the tag must state the dog owner’s address. With that said, it’s recommended to include the dog owner’s phone number on the tag and state that the dog is microchipped.

Read on to discover more detail about these legal requirements.

Do I Need To Put A Dog Tag On My Dog?

Yes, you do need to put a tag on your dog because it’s a legal requirement in the UK. The legislation that stipulates this is called The Control of Dogs Order 1992.  UK law states all dog owners must ensure their dog is wearing a dog tag or has their details inscribed or printed on a dog collar.

What Should I Put On A Dog Tag UK?

In UK law, there are two specific pieces of information that should be contained on a dog tag. Firstly, the tag must state the dog owner’s name; and secondly the tag must state the dog owner’s address.

Dog Owner’s Name And Address On Dog Tag

There is nothing complicated about this requirement. You just need to ensure the tag or collar clearly states the name and full address of the dog owner. See an example below:

Door number and street name
Post code


Jane Doe
94 High Street
Q23 9WZ

What Other Information Should Be Included On A Dog Tag?

While there is only a legal requirement to include the dog owner’s name and address on a dog tag, it’s highly recommended by dog charities to include other important information on a dog tag. Examples are as below:

Dog Owner’s Phone Number On Dog Tag

Simply include a phone number where you can be contacted. This would be important in case of your dog being hurt or injured, or if your dog becomes separated from you when you’re out in public. Somebody who finds your dog would need a quick way to contact you. Further, if your dog were to become injured or harmed, then of course dog rescuers would need an easy way to contact you.

You can include a mobile number or a landline number. It’s common for people to change phone numbers for various reasons, so be sure to keep the tag updated with an active phone number.  

Confirmation Dog Is Microchipped On The Tag

In the UK, it’s been a legal requirement to microchip a dog since April 2016. And it’s easy to include this confirmation on the dog tag. Simply, add the phrase “I’m microchipped” or simply “microchipped” to the dog tag.

If your dog were to be lost and then found by someone, they would know the dog is microchipped. This information could be used to locate you and contact you about your dog. Although it would be quicker and easier to simply phone you of course, assuming your phone number is on the dog tag.

With that said, if the phone number on the tag or collar is no longer in use, then the microchipped aspect becomes a crucial way of locating the dog owner.

Recommended – Find out more about UK dog laws. Read this article to discover how many dogs each UK household is allowed to own.

Should You Put Your Dog’s Name On Their Tag UK?

It’s not recommended to include your dog’s name on their ID tag. Why not? Because if your dog is stolen then the thief can use the dog’s name to refer to the dog. Your dog will likely respond positively to hearing their name and potentially interact positively with the dog thief as a result. The thief could then use that positive interaction to gain the trust of potential buyers.

Unfortunately, dog theft is not uncommon. Although we hope it never happens to us, it’s good practice to ensure you don’t give potential thieves any ‘help’ if they steal your dog.

Final Thoughts On What To Put On A Dog Tag UK

There are only two pieces of information that you’re legally required to put on a dog tag or dog collar in the UK. Firstly, the dog owner’s name, and secondly, the dog owner’s address. However, many dog charities recommend including a phone number and confirmation the dog is microchipped on the tag. These are sensible recommendations because being easily contactable if your dog becomes lost is vital.